Bethesda Evangelical Church
Bethesda Evangelical Church
Easter Week Readings and thoughts
Easter Reading 9
Easter Reading 9
Our Final Easter reading from John chapter 21 and part of Acts 1, recounts another resurrection appearance of Christ, and then His ascension. Daniel Buckeridge reads from the NKJV
Easter Reading 8
Easter Reading 8
Daniel Buckeridge continues the Easter account by reading of the exciting events of resurrection morning. The reading is from John Chapter 20 (NKJV)
Easter Reading 7
Easter Reading 7
Daniel Buckeridge continues the Easter account by reading of the exciting events of resurrection morning. The reading is from John Chapter 20 (NKJV)
Easter Reading 6
Easter Reading 6
Friday's Easter reading centres on the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ. Michael Buckeridge reads part of Matthew chapter 27 (NKJV)
Easter Reading 5
Easter Reading 5
Today's reading from Matthew chapter 26 takes us through the plot to kill Jesus, the Last Supper, The Betrayal by Judas, the trial by the Sanhedrin and Peter's denial. Read by Michael Buckeridge from the NKJV.
Easter Readings 4
Easter Readings 4
Today the Lord Jesus is still teaching his disciples about end times. He tells 3 important parables. Read by Michael Buckeridge from the NKJV.
Easter Readings 3
Easter Readings 3
Day 3 of our Easter Readings takes us through Matthew Chapter 23 and part of a conversation Jesus had about future events with His disciples. Read by Andrew McIlwrick from the NKJV.
Easter Reading 2
Easter Reading 2
Our Second Easter Week reading is from Matthew chapters 22 & 23. Read by Andrew McIlwrick from the NKJV of the Bible.
Easter Reading 1
Easter Reading 1
The first in our Easter Week readings including Palm Sunday, cleansing of the temple, and some discussions between the Lord Jesus and the religious leaders.

Thoughts for Easter Week 2020
As we are unable to meet this Easter we have recorded a short message for each day of Easter Week. We pray this will help you reflect on the world changing significance of the events of that time and bring hope in a time of darkness.
05/4/2020: Palm Sunday
06/4/2020: Except a grain of wheat...
07/4/2020: Jesus washes the disciples feet
08/4/2020: Behold the Man!
09/4/2020: What is truth?
10/4/2020: Finished!
11/4/2020: The stillness of Saturday
12/4/2020: The Resurrection
13/4/2020: Seeing is believing?
14/4/2020: But these are written...